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  • By Alejandro Colonques

Crowd-funding / patrocinio

  • By Lars Diener


In their role as natural breakwaters, mangroves reduce wave heights and windspeed which is decreasing the energy entering the system. By this, they help to reduce coastal erosion. Additional, mangroves are capable of trapping an enormous amount of carbon in their soils which they can store much longer than other habitats which store carbon only in biomass.

  • By Anonymous

5 Bold Steps CZ

Step-by-step guide on how to run the activity:
1. Before you start
Arrange for a comfortable environment – preferably not a meeting room
Print or draw the canvas on a big sheet of paper
Prepare supporting material, such as sticky notes and markers
2. Fil; in the template: define your vision statement

  • By Lars Diener


5 cesur adım vizyon kanvası, vizyonunuza ulaşmanız için gereken adımların atılmasını sağlar. Bir organizasyon içinde yer alan takımların hizalanmasına fayda sağlar.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

5 Mesures Audacieuses

Guide étape par étape sur la manière de lancer votre activité:
1. Avant de commencer
Organisez un environnement confortable - de préférence pas dans une salle de réunion
Imprimer ou dessiner la toile sur une grande feuille de papier
Préparer des supports, tels que des post-its et des marqueurs
2. Remplir le modèle: définissez l'énoncé de votre vision

  • By Lars Diener


Tekrar tekrar “Neden” sorusunu sorarak sorunun kaynağına inebilirsiniz. Bir sorunun görünür olan nedeni size bir başka soruya götürecektir. Bu tekniğin adım 5 Neden olsa da, sorunun kaynağına inebilmek için daha az ya da daha çok “neden” sorusunu sormanız gerekebilir.

  • By Ryan Titley

5 Por qué

Guía paso a paso sobre cómo preguntar a los 5 por qué

  • By Brenda Vaccari

5 Porquê

  • By Magalie Thabuis

5 Pourquoi

Guide pas à pas sur la façon de demander "5 pourquoi"

  • By Anonymous

5 Whys

Step-by-step guidance on how to ask the 5 Whys

  • By Lars Diener



  • By Lars Diener


Most seagrass species form large “beds” of root and rhizome system which provide habitat for thousands of marine species and fix soil which leads into reduced erosion. Also, seagrass leads to slowed down water currents and reduced wave energy which reduces the impact of waves on the shoreline.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Group of trees mimicking the gestalt of a forest in an urban setting. They may be an option for the design of shaded squares and places or as a contrasting element in densely built up areas or for court yard design.

  • By Test Account

Ajuste de ambición

El taller de ambición consiste en visitas de 3 días a las ciudades individuales en las que se realizan varios talleres con responsables políticos y partes interesadas para comprender mejor las ambiciones y los contextos específicos de las ciudades.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Smart roofs are a special type of extensive green roofs that fulfil different services to protect ecosystems in cities: (Capillar) smart roofs represent an extension of conventional green roofs because the system is equi

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Almacenamiento de agua subterránea

Sistemas subterráneos debajo de espacios públicos abiertos (campos deportivos) compuestos de elementos modulares para retener las crecidas repentinas y almacenar agua para fines de riego en las cercanías.

  • By Anonymous

Ambition Setting

The Ambition Workshop consists of 3-day visits to the individual cities in which several workshops with policy-makers and stakeholders are held to get a deep understanding of the ambitions and specific contexts of the cities.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Améliorer la gestion des données et la gouvernance dans les municipalités

La gouvernance des données est un élément clef de la gestion durable des données et comprend plusieurs éléments auxquels la ville doit prêter attention: surveillance, rôles de gestion, mesure de la qualité des données et règles opérationnelles.
Pour réaliser une gouvernance des données efficace au sein de chaque service, les problèmes suivants doivent être résolus:

  • By Lars Diener

Anregung zur Nutzung von Zertifizierungssystemen und Nachhaltigkeitsprogrammen

Es gibt verschiedene Zertifizierungssysteme und Nachhaltigkeitsprogramme mit direktem oder indirektem Bezug zu Urban Green und NBS. Der Hauptwert solcher Zertifizierungen besteht darin, dass sie, wenn sie gut integriert sind, für Objektivität, Transparenz und Vertrauenswürdigkeit stehen und von den meisten Parteien (privat, öffentlich und bürgerlich) als vorteilhaft wahrgenommen werden.

  • By Lars Diener

Anwendung von Kompensationssystemen für Ökosystemleistungen

Compensation schemes are mechanisms which ensure that the overall function (e.g. ecosystem services) of a specific site is being preserved. Such schemes are often coupled to compensation funds, which can be used to realise NBS projects throughout the city (if direct compensation at the same plot is not possible). For example, plot owners or developers might have to compensate for:

  • By Luis Gargori

Aplicar sistemas de gestión municipal medioambientales y sostenibles

“Lo que puede medirse, puede gestionarse” : Para asegurar el cumplimiento de los objetivos de sostenibilidad en el municipio, es importante que se realice un seguimiento y evaluación de manera sistemática. El control del seguimiento puede vincularse con las visiones y objetivos en relación con la sostenibilidad y la capacidad de recuperación definida por los actores urbanos.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Apoyando iniciativas de base.

  • By Anonymous

Árboles urbanos

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Arène de co-création

Comment l'utiliser:
1. Un citoyen commence les activités de co-création en créant un «problème» à travers ONIA.
Un exemple de problème pourrait être:
- la mauvaise qualité de l'eau dans une rivière;
- pollution de l'air dans un quartier;
- Zones urbaines surpeuplées

  • By Lars Diener

Ausgabe von grünen Anleihen (Green Bonds)

As NBS can support biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation and other environmental efforts in cities, green municipal bonds could serve as a means for cities to secure funding for NBS implementation.

  • By Anonymous

Awareness campaigns

Raising the awareness of local stakeholders and citizens is vital to implement successful NBS programs. Increased public awareness and satisfaction with green infrastructure projects can lead to increased support for further projects as well as potential opportunities for private stakeholders to be a part of a wider transformation through NBS.

  • By Luis Gargori

Barrera Acústica Vegetal

General:Las barreras acústicas vegetales son medidas efectivas para reducir las emisiones de ruido a lo largo de carreteras muy frecuentadas. A menudo están diseñados como paredes con un revestimiento de tierra verde. La construcción generalmente está hecha de concreto, ladrillo o madera y está cubierta con una capa vegetal vertical.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

barrière verte anti-bruits

Général: Les écrans antibruit verts sont des mesures efficaces pour réduire les émissions sonores sur les routes très fréquentées. Ils sont souvent conçus comme des murs avec un greening basé au sol. La construction est généralement en béton, en brique ou en bois et est recouverte d'une couche végétale verticale.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Base de conocimiento de UNaLab

Permite federar fuentes de datos externas como Sistema de Gestión de Datos Abiertos y servicios legales. Es el único punto de acceso a todos los datos recopilados de las plataformas IoT proporcionadas por las ciudades. También proporciona acceso a los datos generados por las herramientas TIC de UNaLab.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Bassin d'infiltration

Général: Les bassins d'infiltration sont des endroits plats avec de l'herbe et normalement secs. Après de forts chutes de pluie; ils se remplissent et l'eau infiltre le sol.

  • By Lars Diener


“What gets measured, gets managed”: In order to track sustainability in the municipality it is important that the sustainability performance is tracked and assessed in a systematic way to ensure that objectives are being met. Performance monitoring can be linked to the visions and goals related to sustainability and resilience defined by urban actors.

  • By Lars Diener


For effective adoption of the NBS concept and its integration throughout municipal structures, the often prevailing “lowest price offered” mentality in public procuring needs to be overcome within the existing legal framework. Benefits derived from NBS interventions often deliver values which cannot be measured in monetary terms.

  • By Lars Diener


Data management is gaining importance in cities where there is an increasing adoption of new technologies as well as governance requirements. A comprehensive data management strategy should be derived from the local government’s long-term objectives and legal requirements. A strategy can help cities to better encompass their data-related goals within sustainable development measures.

  • By Lars Diener


  • By Lars Diener


Data governance is a key element for sustainable data management and includes several elements to which the city has to pay attention: monitoring, management roles, data quality measuring, and operational rules.
To realise an efficient data governance inside each department the following issues should be addressed:

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Biofilter (Air Purification)

General: Biofilters (air) are facilities to control and purify biological waste gas. They are developed to reduce and eliminate biogenic odours and represent a relatively simple technical installation.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Biofilter (qualité de l'eau)

Général: Les biofiltres (eau) sont développés pour collecter et purifier les eaux pluviales et usées et représentent un système prometteur pour le traitement des eaux pluviales. Les bactéries et les microorganismes sont situés sur un média filtrant (biofilm), souvent constitué de sable ou de charbon actif en grains.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Biofilter (water quality)

General: Biofilters (water) are developed to collect and purify storm- and wastewater and represent a promising system for storm water treatment. Bacteria and microorganisms are located on a filter medium (biofilm), which often consists of sand or granular activated carbon.

  • By Sophie Mok


  • By Luis Gargori

Biofiltro (calidad del agua)

General: Los biofiltros (agua) se desarrollan para recolectar y purificar aguas pluviales y residuales y representan un sistema prometedor para el tratamiento de aguas pluviales. Las bacterias y los microorganismos se encuentran en un medio filtrante (biopelícula), que a menudo consiste en arena o carbón activado granular.

  • By Luis Gargori

Biofiltro (Purificador de aire)

General: Los biofiltros (aire) son instalaciones para controlar y purificar gases residuales biológicos. Están desarrollados para reducir y eliminar los olores biogénicos y representan una instalación técnica relativamente simple.

  • By Alejandro Colonques


  • By Magalie Thabuis


Définition: Un bioswale * est une fosse végétalisée, linéaire et à faible pente, souvent placéedans des zones urbaines proches / entre des routes, afin de réduire le risque d'inondation pendant ou après les fortes pluies. L'objectif des bioswales est comparable à celle des jardins pluviaux.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer


General: A bioswale* is a vegetated, linear and low sloped pit often established in urban areas near/between roads with the objective to reduce flood risk during or after heavy rain events. The intention of bioswales is comparable to rain gardens.

  • By Lars Diener


General: A bioswale* is a vegetated, linear and low sloped pit often established in urban areas near/between roads with the objective to reduce flood risk during or after heavy rain events. The intention of bioswales is comparable to rain gardens.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Biofilters (air) are facilities to control and purify biological waste gas. They are developed to reduce and eliminate biogenic odours and represent a relatively simple technical installation.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Biofilters (water) are developed to collect and purify storm- and wastewater and represent a promising system for storm water treatment. Bacteria and microorganisms are located on a filter medium (biofilm), which often consists of sand or granular activated carbon.

  • By Alejandro Colonques


  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer


General: Boulevards represent a possibility to establish several trees in cities amongst others to mitigate urban heat stress. Within boulevards, trees are commonly arranged along streets, bicycle paths and sidewalks and - if circumstances allow - established on both sides of the route. The treetops of opposite trees often form a (nearly) closed canopy.

  • By Magalie Thabuis


Général: Les boulevards représentent une possibilité d'établir plusieurs arbres dans les villes,pour atténuer, entre autres, le stress thermique en milieu urbain. Dans les boulevards, les arbres sont généralement disposés le long des rues, des pistes cyclables et des trottoirs et, si les circonstances le permettent, installés sur les deux côtés de la route.

  • By Luis Gargori


General: Los bulevares representan la posibilidad de establecer muchos árboles en las ciudades, entre otras cosas, para mitigar el estrés por calor urbano. Dentro de los bulevares, los árboles se disponen comúnmente a lo largo de calles, ciclovías y aceras. Las copas de los árboles opuestos a menudo forman una copa casi cerrada.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Boulevards represent a possibility to establish several trees in cities amongst others to mitigate urban heat stress. Within boulevards, trees are commonly arranged along streets, bicycle paths and sidewalks and - if circumstances allow - established on both sides of the route. The treetops of opposite trees often form a (nearly) closed canopy.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Campagnes de sensibilisation

Comme certains des avantages des interventions des BNS peuvent être plus visibles que leurs homologues de l'infrastructure grise (telles que la multifonctionnalité de la béatification), des campagnes de sensibilisation efficaces peuvent communiquer ces avantages au public plus rapidement afin de générer un soutien.

  • By Luis Gargori

Campañas de sensibilización

Incrementar las sensibilización de las partes interesadas y los ciudadanos es vital para implementar programas de SBN con éxito.

  • By Lars Diener


General: For hundreds of years, the Khasi people of the Meghalayan mountains in north-eastern India have built bridges created with living plants by making use of natural growth processes.

  • By Lars Diener


Living breakwaters and shorelines usually get colonialized and are used as habitat by marine and terrestrial species. That means, that they provide habitats and hunting areas which increases biodiversity in the environment. Additionally, they may maintain it by itself with help of the living sessile species living on it.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Verticalization of green spaces is an adequate way to increase vegetated surfaces with many ecological services in urban environments.

  • By Lars Diener



  • By Luis Gargori

Capacitación del personal administrativo en temas transversales.

El desarrollo y la capacitación del personal en cuestiones intersectoriales es una parte esencial de una organización de aprendizaje. La capacitación fomenta la transferencia de conocimiento, mejora la innovación entre los empleados y empleadas públicas y mejora la eficiencia.

  • By Amruta Jayawant

City Resolutions

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Co-creación Arena

Cómo usarlo:
1. Un ciudadano comienza las actividades de co-creación creando un "problema" a través de ONIA.
Un ejemplo de problema podría ser:
- mala calidad del agua en un río;
- contaminación del aire en un distrito;
- Áreas urbanas abarrotadas.

  • By Anonymous

Co-creation Arena

How to use it:
1. A citizen starts the co-creation activities creating a “problem“ through ONIA.
An example of problem could be:
- poor quality of water in a river;
- air pollution in a district;
- Crowded urban areas

  • By Lars Diener

Community Management

  • By Luis Gargori

Construcciones de plantas vivas

General: Durante cientos de años, la gente Khasi de las montañas Meghalayan en el noreste de India ha construido puentes creados con plantas vivas utilizando procesos de crecimiento natural. Se utilizan raíces de árboles de caucho para construir un puente vivo que vuelva a crecer constantemente y supere a los puentes de madera que se pudrirían demasiado rápido.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Constructed Wet Roof

General: The idea of constructed wet roofs CWR is to connect (extensive) green roofs and constructed wetlands for domestic wastewater (so-called grey water) treatment.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Constructed Wetlands

General: Constructed wetlands represent artificial wetlands with the main objective to harvest, treat and store storm-/grey water runoff in urban areas. Processes/services of natural wetlands are adapted to constructed wetlands focusing on water purification and (underground) storage.

  • By Amruta Jayawant

Contractual PPPs

  • By Luis Gargori

Corredores Verdes

General: Áreas de infraestructura abandonada, p. ej. Las líneas ferroviarias, que se transforman en parques lineales, juegan un papel importante en las redes de infraestructura verde urbana y ayudan a renovar las ciudades.

  • By Luis Gargori

Cuenca de infiltración

General: Las cuencas de infiltración son áreas planas plantadas con hierba y normalmente secas. Después de una fuerte lluvia, el agua llena la cuenca y penetra en el suelo.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

cuencas de infiltración

  • By Lars Diener


Municipalities play a central role in the effective adaptation of the city to climate change, as well as a range of other potential future threats. In order to effectively respond to anticipated future changes, cities need to undertake strategic action today to enhance their resilience in the future.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer



  • By Magalie Thabuis

Definir ses Ambitions

L'atelier Ambition consiste en des visites de trois jours dans les villes individuelles, au cours desquelles plusieurs ateliers avec des décideurs et des parties prenantes sont organisés afin de comprendre en profondeur les ambitions et les contextes spécifiques des villes.

  • By Luis Gargori

Desarrollar una estrategia de capacidad de recuperación (resiliencia urbana)

Los municipios desempeñan un papel fundamental en la adaptación efectiva de la ciudad al cambio climático, así como a una amplia gama de futuras amenazas potenciales. Para responder eficazmente a futuros cambios anticipados, las ciudades necesitan emprender hoy acciones estratégicas para mejorar su capacidad de recuperación en el futuro.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Desarrollo de la visión

En este taller se llevan a cabo dos actividades principales: la investigación de contar el futuro y el desarrollo de escenarios futuros deseados.

  • By Luis Gargori

Desarrollo de una estrategia municipal de gestión de datos

La gestión de datos está ganando importancia en ciudades en las que se da una creciente adopción tanto de nuevas tecnologías como de requisitos de gobernanza. Una estrategia integral de gestión de datos debe derivarse de los objetivos a largo plazo y de los requisitos legales del gobierno local.

  • By Luis Gargori

Desarrollo de visiones compartidas

En la mayoría de las ciudades, el planeamiento de la estructura urbana es situacional, basado en proyectos y a menudo pensando en los siguientes 5-10 años. Cuando se considera el planeamiento urbano de una ciudad a largo plazo, es difícil tener en cuenta todos los cambios imprevistos que pueden sucederse en todo ese tiempo.

  • By Anonymous

Develop a municipal data management strategy

Data management is gaining importance in cities where there is an increasing adoption of new technologies as well as governance requirements. A comprehensive data management strategy should be derived from the local government’s long-term objectives and legal requirements. A strategy can help cities to better encompass their data-related goals within sustainable development measures.

  • By Amruta Jayawant

Development charges

  • By Anonymous

Development of a resilience strategy

Municipalities play a central role in the effective adaptation of the city to climate change, as well as a range of other potential future threats. In order to effectively respond to anticipated future changes, cities need to undertake strategic action today to enhance their resilience in the future.

  • By Anonymous

Development of shared visions

In most cities, the planning of the urban structure is situational, project-based and often limited to the forthcoming 5-10 years. When considering the long-term planning of a city, it is difficult to take into account all the unforeseen changes that might occur over the longer-term. Planners have to constantly deal with shifting targets and conditions.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Développement de visions partagées

Dans la plupart des villes, la planification de la structure urbaine dépend de la situation, des projets et se limite souvent aux 5 à 10 prochaines années. Lorsqu’on envisage la planification à long terme d’une ville, il est difficile de prendre en compte tous les changements imprévus qui pourraient se produire sur le long terme.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Développer une stratégie de gestion des données municipales

La gestion des données gagne en importance dans les villes où l'adoption de nouvelles technologies et les exigences en matière de gouvernance sont de plus en plus importantes. Une stratégie globale de gestion des données doit être élaborée à partir d'objectifs à long terme et d'exigences légales du gouvernement local.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Developper une Stratégie de résilience

Les municipalités jouent un rôle central dans l'adaptation efficace de la ville au changement climatique, ainsi que de nombreuses autres menaces potentielles. Afin de répondre efficacement aux futurs changements anticipés, les villes doivent entreprendre des actions stratégiques dès aujourd'hui pour renforcer leur résilience future.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Digue et rivage vivants

Les digues et les rives vivantes sont généralement colonisées et servent d'habitat aux espèces marines et terrestres. Cela signifie qu'ils fournissent des habitats et des zones de chasse qui augmentent la biodiversité dans l'environnement. De plus, ils peuvent le maintenir seul avec l'aide des espèces vivantes qui y vivent.

  • By Lars Diener


As a rather new concept, NBS as such are often not explicitly targeted through local regulations and incentives. Still, as an integral and highly cross-sectoral part in the urban system, they are both supported and inhibited by various policies from different areas, including land and zoning, building and construction, water, air, nature conservation, social issues, etc.

  • By Lars Diener


Buildings and new construction have a large impact on the natural water cycle as it involves the sealing of (new) surfaces, compaction of soils, and/or removal of natural vegetation. Also, other climate-related challenges in a city, such as urban heat islands, biodiversity and habitat loss, pollution, etc. are affected and may be worsened by such undertakings.

  • By Lars Diener


Zoning plans are an important factor in green space planning and are a means to include site-specific preconditions in urban development. Zoning plans are thus often linked to site-specific regulations and norms. In terms of NBS they often aim at protecting green elements or natural features.

  • By Lars Diener


It is important that the NBS concept is understood in relation to other associated concepts. NBS is considered as an umbrella concept linking such established concepts as Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA), Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) or Ecosystem Services (ESS) (see Figure 4).

  • By Luis Gargori

Drenaje sostenible

General: Los sistemas de drenaje sostenible consisten en un curso de desagüe de pendiente suave y relleno de vegetación,a menudo establecido en áreas urbanas cerca de carreteras con el objetivo de reducir el riesgo de inundación durante o después de fuertes lluvias.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Eclairage naturel


  • By Lars Diener

Einbettung von NBS in bestehende Pläne und Strategien

It is important that the NBS concept is understood in relation to other associated concepts. NBS is considered as an umbrella concept linking such established concepts as Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA), Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) or Ecosystem Services (ESS) (see Figure 4).

  • By Lars Diener

Einbeziehung des ökonomischen Gesamtwertes (TEV) in die Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse (CBA)

The application of a holistic cost-benefit scheme (analysis) could be applied to understand the value for money of NBS. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) supports the economic case and generates data regarding cash savings, risk and financial impacts that feed into the financial case, and which inform the commercial case where procurement is required (Hm Treasury, 2014).

  • By Lars Diener

Einführung von Anreizen zur Förderung privater NBS Implementierung

Feedback from UNaLab partner cities suggests a strong impression of insufficient regulations and/or incentives in place that encourage local businesses to develop, implement or invest in NBS. Furthermore, whereas public green is mostly being financed and maintained through the city administration, there is a need to also encourage private land owners to develop and invest more in NBS.

  • By Lars Diener

Einführung von Mechanismen zur Beeinflussung der Immobilienpreise

A potential step to counteract (green) gentrification is to use mechanisms to influence housing prices so they can remain affordable for certain groups. Many cities around the world have already experimented with different interventions to try to limit the displacement of long-term residents.

  • By Lars Diener

Einführung von Mechanismen zur Unterstützung abteilungsübergreifender Finanzierung

In addition to enhancing internal revenue base and exploring additional external funding opportunities, local governments might expand the pool of available funding for NBS by coordinating funding across the budgets of multiple municipal departments. This coordination has potential to enable cost sharing across the budgets of different municipal departments.

  • By Lars Diener

Einführung von NBS-unterstützenden Bauvorschriften

Buildings and new construction have a large impact on the natural water cycle as it involves the sealing of (new) surfaces, compaction of soils, and/or removal of natural vegetation. Also, other climate-related challenges in a city, such as urban heat islands, biodiversity and habitat loss, pollution, etc. are affected and may be worsened by such undertakings.

  • By Lars Diener

Einführung von NBS-unterstützenden Bebauungsvorschriften

Zoning plans are an important factor in green space planning and are a means to include site-specific preconditions in urban development. Zoning plans are thus often linked to site-specific regulations and norms. In terms of NBS they often aim at protecting green elements or natural features.

  • By Lars Diener

Einrichtung einer zentralen Anlaufstelle für NGOs

Every city is characterised by its own specific local constellation of actors, roles and procedures around the development of NBS. This makes it difficult to develop a clear list of actors who should be included in the development of NBS projects.

  • By Lars Diener

Einrichtung von Versuchsflächen für Pilotprojekte

As the concept of NBS is new on most municipal agendas, uncertainties regarding the implementation, functions and effectiveness remain prevalent (see Lack of Knowledge and Awareness). This presents a significant challenge for cities as the risks of implementing new and innovative solutions are greater than opting for well-established approaches to urban development.

  • By Lars Diener



  • By Lars Diener


Compensation schemes are mechanisms which ensure that the overall function (e.g. ecosystem services) of a specific site is being preserved. Such schemes are often coupled to compensation funds, which can be used to realise NBS projects throughout the city (if direct compensation at the same plot is not possible). For example, plot owners or developers might have to compensate for:

  • By Alejandro Colonques

El mapa de actores

Guía paso a paso sobre cómo ejecutar la actividad:
1. Preparación: identifica el tema y establece límites clarosLos límites incluyen: escala geográfica del mapa; grado de especificidad del mapa y nivel de detalle
2. Preparación: enmarcar el sistema

  • By Alejandro Colonques

El mapa de la empatía

Guía paso a paso sobre cómo usar el mapa de empatía:
1. Definir el alcance y los objetivos del mapa.
- ¿Mapearás una persona o un usuario individual? Si tiene varias personas, debe haber un mapa de empatía para cada una

  • By Luis Gargori

El uso del factor Azul-Verde

La inclusión de herramientas de planeamiento y gestión específicos puede facilitar la operalización de ciertas regulaciones e incentivos. Un ejemplo destacado en el área de las SBN y la infraestructura verde, es el denominada Factor Azul-Verd (FAV). Se trata de un instrumento urbanístico para asegurar y mantener los niveles deseados de verde y azul en los nuevos proyectos de desarrollo.

  • By Anonymous

Embedding NBS in existing plans and strategies

It is important that the NBS concept is understood in relation to other associated concepts. NBS is considered as an umbrella concept linking such established concepts as Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA), Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) or Ecosystem Services (ESS) (see Figure 4).

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Emettre des obligations vertes

Une NBS pouvant soutenir la conservation de la biodiversité, l'adaptation au changement climatique et d'autres efforts environnementaux dans les villes, les obligations municipales vertes pourraient permettre aux villes d'obtenir un financement pour la mise en œuvre d'une NBS.

  • By Luis Gargori

Emisión de bonos verdes

Como las Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (SBN) pueden apoyar la conservación de la biodiversidad, la adaptación al cambio climático y otros esfuerzos medioambientales en las ciudades, los bonos verdes municipales podrían servir como un medio para que las ciudades aseguren la financiación para la implementación de las SBN.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Encourager l'utilisation de schémas de certification et de programmes de durabilité


17:07 (il y a 3 minutes)

À moi

  • By Anonymous

Encouraging the use of certification schemes and sustainability programs

Several certification schemes and sustainability programs exist with direct or indirect links to urban green and NBS. The main value of such certifications is that if incorporated well, they stand for objectivity, transparency and trustworthiness and are perceived as beneficial by most parties (private, public and citizens).

  • By Lars Diener

Entwicklung einer kommunalen Datenmanagementstrategie

Data management is gaining importance in cities where there is an increasing adoption of new technologies as well as governance requirements. A comprehensive data management strategy should be derived from the local government’s long-term objectives and legal requirements. A strategy can help cities to better encompass their data-related goals within sustainable development measures.

  • By Lars Diener

Entwicklung einer Resilienzstrategie

Municipalities play a central role in the effective adaptation of the city to climate change, as well as a range of other potential future threats. In order to effectively respond to anticipated future changes, cities need to undertake strategic action today to enhance their resilience in the future.

  • By Lars Diener

Entwicklung gemeinsamer Visionen

In most cities, the planning of the urban structure is situational, project-based and often limited to the forthcoming 5-10 years. When considering the long-term planning of a city, it is difficult to take into account all the unforeseen changes that might occur over the longer-term. Planners have to constantly deal with shifting targets and conditions.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Enverdecimiento vertical

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Espacios públicos verdes

  • By Luis Gargori

Establecer áreas experimentales para proyectos piloto

Como el concepto de Soluciones Basadas en la Naturalez es nuevo en la mayoría de agendas municipales, prevalecen las incertezas sobre su implementación, funciones y eficacia (ver Falta de Conocimiento y Conciencia).

  • By Luis Gargori

Establecer estructuras formales para la cooperación intersectorial

Los municipios tienden a organizarse de acuerdo con las funciones y los servicios que prestan. Los departamentos respectivos pueden tener sus propios presupuestos, estrategias, objetivos, reglas y culturas organizacionales. La naturaleza intersectorial de las SBN presenta un desafío en el contexto de las ciudades caracterizadas por estos departamentos "compartimentarizados".

  • By Luis Gargori

Establecer mecanismos para apoyar el financiamiento en varios departamentos.

Asimismo, al mejorar la base de ingresos interna y explorar posibilidades externas de financiación, los gobiernos locales podrían ampliar las posibilidades de obtener financiación para las SBN mediante la coordinación de fondos de los presupuestos de varios departamentos municipales.

  • By Luis Gargori

Establecer mecanismos para influir en el precio de la vivienda

Un paso importante para contrarrestar la gentrificación (verde) consiste en utilizar mecanismos para influir sobre los precios de la vivienda de manera que puedan resultar siendo asequibles para determinados grupos. Muchas ciudades en todo el mundo han experimentado ya diferentes intervenciones para tratar de limitar al desplazamiento de los residentes a largo plazo.

  • By Luis Gargori

Establecer un enfoque "sólo lo suficientemente verde"

Curran y Hamilton (2012), proponen un enfoque “Solo lo suficientemente verde” para establecer un infraestructura verde al mismo tiempo que miniminizar los efectos negativos de la gentrificación verde. Haciendo un área “sólo lo suficientemente verde” pueden conseguirse objetivos sociales y ecológicos sin incrementar necesariamente los precios del mercado inmobiliario.

  • By Luis Gargori

Establecer un punto de contacto central para las ONG's

Cada ciudad se caracteriza por su propia y específica constelación local de actores, funciones y procedimientos en el desarrollo de las Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (SBN). Esto dificulta el desarrollar un claro listado de los actores que podrían incluirse en el desarrollo de los proyectos SBN.

  • By Anonymous

Establish a central contact point for NGOs

Every city is characterised by its own specific local constellation of actors, roles and procedures around the development of NBS. This makes it difficult to develop a clear list of actors who should be included in the development of NBS projects.

  • By Anonymous

Establish a “just-green-enough” approach

Curran and Hamilton (2012), propose a “Just green enough” approach to establish green infrastructure while minimising the negative effects of green gentrification. By making an area “just green enough”, social as well as ecological objectives can be obtained without necessarily increasing housing prices significantly.

  • By Anonymous

Establish experimental areas for pilot projects

As the concept of NBS is new on most municipal agendas, uncertainties regarding the implementation, functions and effectiveness remain prevalent (see Lack of Knowledge and Awareness). This presents a significant challenge for cities as the risks of implementing new and innovative solutions are greater than opting for well-established approaches to urban development.

  • By Anonymous

Establish formal structures for cross-sectoral cooperation

Municipalities tend to be organised along the lines of the functions and services they were established to deliver. The respective departments can have their own budgets, strategies, objectives, rules and organisational cultures. The cross-sectoral nature of NBS presents a challenge in the context of cities characterised by these “siloed” departments.

  • By Anonymous

Establish mechanisms to influence housing prices

A potential step to counteract (green) gentrification is to use mechanisms to influence housing prices so they can remain affordable for certain groups. Many cities around the world have already experimented with different interventions to try to limit the displacement of long-term residents.

  • By Lars Diener

Establish mechanisms to support financing across multiple departments

In addition to enhancing internal revenue base and exploring additional external funding opportunities, local governments might expand the pool of available funding for NBS by coordinating funding across the budgets of multiple municipal departments. This coordination has potential to enable cost sharing across the budgets of different municipal departments.

  • By Anonymous

Establish mechanisms to support financing across multiple departments

In addition to enhancing internal revenue base and exploring additional external funding opportunities, local governments might expand the pool of available funding for NBS by coordinating funding across the budgets of multiple municipal departments. This coordination has potential to enable cost sharing across the budgets of different municipal departments.

  • By Luis Gargori

Estanques de retención / detención

Las cuencas de infiltración son áreas planas plantadas con hierba y normalmente secas. Después de una fuerte lluvia, el agua llena la cuenca y penetra en el suelo.

  • By Luis Gargori

Estera de terraplén plantado

General: - protección contra la erosión
- combinación de esteras / cubiertas con capa de vegetación, p.ej. siembra y plantas
- uso de plantas / árboles / matorrales / praderas locales
- construcción simple, instalación rápida

  • By Lars Diener

Etablierung eines “gerade-grün-genug“- Ansatzes

Curran and Hamilton (2012), propose a “Just green enough” approach to establish green infrastructure while minimising the negative effects of green gentrification. By making an area “just green enough”, social as well as ecological objectives can be obtained without necessarily increasing housing prices significantly.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Établir des mécanismes pour soutenir le financement par plusieurs services municipaux

En plus d'améliorer la base de revenus internes et d'explorer les possibilités de financement externes supplémentaires, les administrations locales pourraient élargir la réserve de financement disponible pour les NBS onnant le financement entre les budgets de plusieurs services.Cette coordination pourrait permettre de partager les coûts entre les budgets de différents services.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Etablir des mechanismes pour influencer les prix des logements

magalie thabuis

14:58 (il y a 4 minutes)

À moi

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Etablir un point de contact central pour les ONG

Chaque ville est caractérisée par sa propre organisation locale d’acteurs, de rôles et de procédures pour le développement des NBS. Il est donc difficile d’établir une liste claire d’acteurs à inclure dans l’élaboration de projets de NBS.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Etablir une approche "juste-assez-verte"

Curran and Hamilton (2012), ont proposé une approche «Juste assez verte» pour établir une infrastructure verte tout en minimisant les effets négatifs de la gentrification verte. En rendant une zone «juste assez verte», des objectifs sociaux et écologiques peuvent être atteints sans nécessairement augmenter les prix du logement de manière significative.

  • By Lars Diener


A potential step to counteract (green) gentrification is to use mechanisms to influence housing prices so they can remain affordable for certain groups. Many cities around the world have already experimented with different interventions to try to limit the displacement of long-term residents.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Extensive Green Roof

General: Extensive green roofs* are basic, light weight systems, characterized by minimum maintenance and management (artificial irrigation, fertilization) after establishment of the system.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

facades vertes

Général: Les murs plantés avec une culture contrôlée sont appelés façades vertes. Les verdissements de façade sont divisés en deux types. Le verdissement lié à la façade qui fait partie de la façade ou utilise la façade pour y fixer des panneaux et des conteneurs. Le second type est le verdissement de la façade à partir du sol (3.2.).

  • By Luis Gargori

Fachadas Verdes

General: Las paredes plantadas con cultivo controlado se llaman fachadas verdes. Los verdes de fachadas se dividen en dos tipos. El enverdecimiento de la fachada que forma parte de la fachada o utiliza la fachada para fijar paneles y contenedores. El segundo tipo es el enverdecimiento de fachada basado en tierra (3.2.).

  • By Lars Diener


Personnel development and training in cross-sectoral issues is an essential part of a learning organisation. Training fosters knowledge transfer, enhances innovation among the employees and improves efficiency.

  • By Lars Diener


Raising the awareness of local stakeholders and citizens is vital to implement successful NBS programs. Increased public awareness and satisfaction with green infrastructure projects can lead to increased support for further projects as well as potential opportunities for private stakeholders to be a part of a wider transformation through NBS.

  • By Luis Gargori

Fomentar el uso de esquemas de certificación y programas de sostenibilidad.

Existen multitud de esquemas de certificación y programas de sostenibilidad que directa o indirectamente, están vinculados a zonas verdes urbanas y Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (SBN).

  • By Lars Diener

Formale Strukturen für bereichsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit schaffen

Municipalities tend to be organised along the lines of the functions and services they were established to deliver. The respective departments can have their own budgets, strategies, objectives, rules and organisational cultures. The cross-sectoral nature of NBS presents a challenge in the context of cities characterised by these “siloed” departments.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Formation du personnel administratif aux questions transversales

Le développement du personnel et la formation sur des questions intersectorielles sont une partie essentielle d'une organisation apprenante. La formation favorise le transfert de connaissances, encourage l'innovation chez les employés et améliore l'efficacité.

  • By Luis Gargori

Fortalecer las redes informales a través de oportunidades de intercambio entre actores clave.

El establecimiento de órganos intersectoriales es un punto de partida fundamental para romper con los compartimentización municipal. Sin embargo, las conclusiones de las UNaLab Front-Runner Cities demuestran la importancia del establecimiento de redes informales en la promoción de actuaciones transversales y de grupos de trabajo.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Frais d'utilisation

  • By Lars Diener


General: Permeable paving systems are known as surfaces that are able to absorb storm water and thus, minimize the surface water runoff. Different systems of permeable pavement surfaces exist.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Extensive green roofs* are basic, light weight systems, characterized by minimum maintenance and management (artificial irrigation, fertilization) after establishment of the system.

  • By Amruta Jayawant

Green bonds

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Green Corridors

General: Areas of derelict infrastructure, e.g. railway lines, that are transformed into linear parks play an important role in urban green infrastructure networks and help to re-nature cities.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Green Facades

General: Planted walls with controlled cultivation are called green facades. Facade greenings are divided in two types. The facade-bound greening which is a part of the facade or uses the facade for fixing panels and containers to it. The second type is the ground based facade greening (3.2.).

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Green Noise Barrier

General: Green noise barriers are effective measures to reduce noise emissions along highly frequented roads. They are often designed as walls with a ground based greening. The construction is usually made of concrete, brick or wood and is covered with a vertical plant layer.

  • By Sophie Mok

Green Roofs

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Group of trees

General: Group of trees mimicking the gestalt of a forest in an urban setting. They may be an option for the design of shaded squares and places or as a contrasting element in densely built up areas or for court yard design.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Groupe d'Arbres

Général: Groupe d'arbres imitant la gestalt d'une forêt en milieu urbain. Ils peuvent être une option pour la conception de places et de coins ombragés ou comme élément contrastant dans des zones à forte densité de population ou pour la conception d’une cour.

  • By Luis Gargori

Grupo de árboles

General:Grupo de árboles que imitan la forma de un bosque en un entorno urbano. Pueden ser una opción para el diseño de cuadrados y lugares sombreados o como un elemento de contraste en áreas densamente construidas o para el diseño de patios.

  • By Amruta Jayawant

Guarantee fund

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Herramienta de soporte de decisiones sistémicas (HSDS)

La Herramienta de Soporte de Decisiones Sistémicas está adaptada y aplicada a las ciudades líderes de UNaLab, para ayudar en la creación conjunta de estrategias NBS para la adaptación al cambio global en áreas urbanas y periurbanas.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Humedales construidos

  • By Luis Gargori

Humedales construidos

General: Los humedales construidos son humedales artificiales cuyo objetivo principal consiste en cosechar, tratar y almacenar la escorrentía de aguas grises / tormentas en las zonas urbanas.

  • By Anonymous

I like, I wish, What if

Step-by-step guide on how to run the activity:
1. Prepare for the exercise
Depending on the size of the group you are working with, you can either print out the forms for each participant to fill out or draw the three categories on a whiteboard, on which the participants will stick their comments
2. Collect likes, wishes and what ifs

  • By Anonymous

Idea dashboard

Step-by-step guide on how to run the activity:
1. Select an idea
Prepare the template (A0 poster or a white board) and ask participants to note down an idea of how to tackle a pre-defined problem
2. Ask questions

  • By Anonymous

Implement municipal environmental and sustainability management systems

“What gets measured, gets managed”: In order to track sustainability in the municipality it is important that the sustainability performance is tracked and assessed in a systematic way to ensure that objectives are being met. Performance monitoring can be linked to the visions and goals related to sustainability and resilience defined by urban actors.

  • By Luis Gargori

Implementar sistemas de información geográfica de participación pública (SIG)

Los sistemas de información geográfica de participación pública (SIG) pueden resultar un medio eficaz para conseguir una mejor comprensión de la calidad de los espacios verdes desde la perspectiva de los usuarios.  A través de formatos en línea y fuera de línea, la ciudadanía puede hacer contribuciones a un mapa sobre el uso y el nivel de satisfacción con los espacios verdes.

  • By Lars Diener

Implementierung kommunaler Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagementsysteme

“What gets measured, gets managed”: In order to track sustainability in the municipality it is important that the sustainability performance is tracked and assessed in a systematic way to ensure that objectives are being met. Performance monitoring can be linked to the visions and goals related to sustainability and resilience defined by urban actors.

  • By Anonymous

Improve data governance and management within the municipality

Data governance is a key element for sustainable data management and includes several elements to which the city has to pay attention: monitoring, management roles, data quality measuring, and operational rules.
To realise an efficient data governance inside each department the following issues should be addressed:

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Inciter le secteur privé à mettre en place des NBS

Les commentaires des villes partenaires de l'UNaLab montrent un fort sentiment d'insuffisance des réglementations et / ou d'incitations encourageant les entreprises locales à développer, mettre en œuvre ou investir dans les NBS.

  • By Anonymous

Include Total Economic Value (TEV) Framework in Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)

The application of a holistic cost-benefit scheme (analysis) could be applied to understand the value for money of NBS. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) supports the economic case and generates data regarding cash savings, risk and financial impacts that feed into the financial case, and which inform the commercial case where procurement is required (Hm Treasury, 2014).

  • By Luis Gargori

Incluir el marco del Valor Económico Total (VET) en el Análisis de Coste-Beneficio (ACB)

La aplicación de un esquema holístico de coste-beneficio (análisis) podría servir para comprender la relación calidad-precio de las Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (SBN).

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Inclure la valeur economique totale (VET) cadre de l'analyse coûts-avantages (ACA)

L'application d'un système global d'analyse coûts-avantages (analyse) pourrait être appliquée pour comprendre le rapport qualité-prix du NBS.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Infiltration Basin

General: Infiltration basins are flat areas planted with grass and normally dry. After a heavy rain the water fills up the basin and soaks into the ground.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Ingeniería paisajística

  • By Amruta Jayawant

Institutionalised PPPs

  • By Luis Gargori

Integración de las SBN en planes y estrategias existentes

Es importante que el concepto de las Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (SBN) sea entendido en relación a otros conceptos asociados. Las SBN están consideradas como un concepto paraguas que abarca conceptos establecidos como la Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas (AbE), la Infraestructura Verde y Azul (IVA) o los Servicios Ecosistémicos (ver figura 4).

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Intégration de NBS dans les plans et stratégies existants

Il est important que le concept NBS soit compris par rapport aux autres concepts associés. NBS est considéré comme un concept global reliant des concepts bien établis tels que l'adaptation basée sur les écosystèmes (EbA), les infrastructures verte et bleue (GBI) ou les services écosystémiques (ESS) (voir Figure 4).

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Intensive Green Roof

General: Intensive green roofs* are often associated with residential buildings, hotels or underground parkings.

  • By Luis Gargori

Introducción de normas de construcción compatibles con las Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (SBN)

Los edificios y las nuevas construcciones tienen un gran impacto en el ciclo natural del agua puesto que implican el sellado de (nuevas) superficies, compactación del suelo, y/o la eliminación de la vegetación natural.

  • By Luis Gargori

Introducción de regulaciones de zonificación compatibles con Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (SBN)

Los planes de zonificación son un factor importante en el planeamiento de espacios verdes y suponen un manera de incluir condiciones previas específicas en el desarrollo urbano. Los planes de zonificación están, por lo tanto, a menudo asociados a regulaciones y normas específicas.

  • By Anonymous

Introducing incentives to encourage private sector-driven NBS

Feedback from UNaLab partner cities suggests a strong impression of insufficient regulations and/or incentives in place that encourage local businesses to develop, implement or invest in NBS. Furthermore, whereas public green is mostly being financed and maintained through the city administration, there is a need to also encourage private land owners to develop and invest more in NBS.

  • By Anonymous

Introducing NBS-supportive building regulations

Buildings and new construction have a large impact on the natural water cycle as it involves the sealing of (new) surfaces, compaction of soils, and/or removal of natural vegetation. Also, other climate-related challenges in a city, such as urban heat islands, biodiversity and habitat loss, pollution, etc. are affected and may be worsened by such undertakings.

  • By Anonymous

Introducing NBS-supportive zoning regulations

Zoning plans are an important factor in green space planning and are a means to include site-specific preconditions in urban development. Zoning plans are thus often linked to site-specific regulations and norms. In terms of NBS they often aim at protecting green elements or natural features.

  • By Luis Gargori

Introducir incentivos para alentar las Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza impulsadas por el sector privado

De la información aportada por las ciudades UNaLab se desprende la idea de que las diferentes legislaciones y /o incentivos resultan insuficientes para alentar a las empresas locales a desarrollar, aplicar o invertir en Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (SBN).

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Inversión municipal

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Investissement Municipal

  • By Lars Diener


General: The idea of constructed wet roofs CWR is to connect (extensive) green roofs and constructed wetlands for domestic wastewater (so-called grey water) treatment.

  • By Anonymous

Issuing green bonds

As NBS can support biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation and other environmental efforts in cities, green municipal bonds could serve as a means for cities to secure funding for NBS implementation.

  • By Luis Gargori

Jardín de lluvia

General: Un jardín de lluvia es un tipo de jardín que sirve principalmente como área para el control del agua a pequeña escala, especialmente en áreas urbanas. Los jardines de lluvia se establecen en entornos artificiales y atrapan la escorrentía del agua de los techos, carreteras y otras superficies selladas.

  • By Luis Gargori

Jardinera Vertical Móvil


  • By Alejandro Colonques

Jardines urbanos

La jardinería urbana es una forma común de establecer espacios ajardinados para los ciudadanos. Existen diferentes conceptos de jardinería urbana, pero en su mayoría son semiprivados con la posibilidad de alquilar espacios individuales o utilizadas por una asociación.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Jardins de pluie

Général: Un jardin de pluie * est une sorte de jardin qui sert principalement de zone de contrôle de l’eau (stockage et infiltration) à petite échelle, en particulier dans les zones urbaines. Les jardins pluviaux sont installés dans des environnements artificiels et capturent les eaux de ruissellement des toits, des routes et d’autres surfaces (étanches).

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Juego serio de Lego

La metodología comienza con una breve presentación de introducción que explica la historia detrás de Lego Serious Play y continúa con una serie de ejercicios de desarrollo de habilidades.

  • By Lars Diener


The establishment of formal cross-sectoral bodies is an important starting point for breaking down silos in the municipality. However, findings from the UNaLab Front-Runner Cit cities demonstrate the importance of the establishment of informal networks in promoting cross-cutting actions and working groups.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

La escalera de participación ciudadana

La Escalera de participación ciudadana es una herramienta para apoyar a las ciudades en su objetivo de involucrar a los ciudadanos en su proceso de creación conjunta de NBS. La escalera ofrece a los representantes de la ciudad y a los profesionales una variable para identificar qué grado de participación tienen los ciudadanos y cómo escalar a un nivel más alto en la escalera.

  • By Anonymous

Lego Serious Play

The methodology starts with a short introduction presentation explaining the history behind Lego Serious Play and continues on to a series of skills building exercises.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Les couloirs verts

Général: zones d'infrastructures abandonnées, par exemple les lignes de chemin de fer transformées en parcs linéaires qui jouent un rôle important dans les réseaux d'infrastructures vertes urbaines et contribuent à la revitalisation des villes. De plus, la régénération le long des voies navigables et des rivières aboutit souvent à des parcs d'interconnexion linéaire.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

les toits verts

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Les toits verts extensifs

General: Les toits verts extensifs * sont des systèmes basiques et légers, caractérisés par un minimum d'entretien et de gestion (irrigation artificielle, fertilisation) après la mise en place du système.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Línea de árboles

Los árboles de una sola línea representan una posibilidad para establecer varios árboles en áreas urbanas. Como su nombre lo indica, los árboles de una sola línea se organizan a lo largo de, por ejemplo, Calles, carriles para bicicletas y aceras y los árboles están situados en un lado. 

  • By Anonymous

Living Breakwater / Shoreline

Living breakwaters and shorelines usually get colonialized and are used as habitat by marine and terrestrial species. That means, that they provide habitats and hunting areas which increases biodiversity in the environment. Additionally, they may maintain it by itself with help of the living sessile species living on it.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Living Fascine


  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Living Plant Constructions

General: For hundreds of years, the Khasi people of the Meghalayan mountains in north-eastern India have built bridges created with living plants by making use of natural growth processes.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Living Wall

General: Verticalization of green spaces is an adequate way to increase vegetated surfaces with many ecological services in urban environments.

  • By Lars Diener


The application of a holistic cost-benefit scheme (analysis) could be applied to understand the value for money of NBS. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) supports the economic case and generates data regarding cash savings, risk and financial impacts that feed into the financial case, and which inform the commercial case where procurement is required (Hm Treasury, 2014).

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Marais artificiels

Général: Les zones humides artificielles représentent des zones humides artificielles ayant pour objectif principal de récolter, de traiter et de stocker les eaux de ruissellement pluviales et grises en zones urbaines.

  • By Luis Gargori

Márgenes vivos

- medida natural y cuidadosa
- aplicación para la protección del banco de agua y la estabilización de la ladera (fuertemente inclinada)
- consiste en ramas y ramas de árboles agrupados (longitud y diámetro máximos, ver parámetros técnicos y de diseño)
- los paquetes consisten en madera viva; uso adicional de madera de muerte (máx. 50%) posible

  • By Lars Diener


The operationalisation of certain regulations and incentives can be facilitated by the inclusion of specific management and planning tools. A prominent example in the area of NBS and green infrastructure, is the so-called Blue Green Factor (BGF). It is a factor-based policy instrument to ensure and maintain desired levels of green and blue in new development projects.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Me gusta, Desearía, Qué tal si...

Guía paso a paso sobre cómo ejecutar la actividad:
1. Prepararse para el ejercicio.
Dependiendo del tamaño del grupo con el que está trabajando, puede imprimir los formularios para que cada participante complete o dibujar las tres categorías en una pizarra, en la que los participantes pegarán sus comentarios
2. Recoger gustos, deseos y qué pasa

  • By Luis Gargori

Mejorar la gobernanza y gestión de datos en el municipio.

La gobernanza de datos es un elemento clave para una gestión sostenible de los datos que incluye muchos elementos a los que la ciudad debe prestar atención: monitoreo, roles de gestión, calidad de la medición de datos, y reglas operativas.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

mettre en place des systèmes municipaux de gestion de l'environnement et de la durabilité

«Ce qui est mesuré est géré»: pour suivre la durabilité dans la municipalité, il est important que la performance en matière de durabilité soit suivie et évaluée de manière systématique afin de garantir que les objectifs soient atteints. Le suivi des performances peut être lié aux visions et objectifs sur la durabilité et la résilience définis par les acteurs urbains.

  • By Lars Diener



  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Mobile Vertical Greening


  • By Alejandro Colonques

Modelo de Valor NBS

Basado en las aportaciones de los usuarios, la herramienta propone "Beneficiarios sospechosos habituales" (aquellos que podrían beneficiarse de una intervención propuesta (basada en intervenciones similares existentes)). El usuario puede seleccionar a los beneficiarios previstos en función de su comprensión del contexto local.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Moss wall

Mosses have compared to other plants a large bio-active surface, they transpire more and also actively reduce some pollutants. There is a range of test sites with open air experiments in order to test the effectiveness for fine dust and reduction and air quality improvement.

  • By Luis Gargori

Muro de musgo

Los musgos han comparado con otras plantas una gran superficie bioactiva, transpiran más y también reducen activamente algunos contaminantes. Existe una variedad de sitios de prueba con experimentos al aire libre para evaluar la efectividad del polvo fino y la reducción y la mejora de la calidad del aire.

  • By Luis Gargori

Muro viviente

General:  La verticalización de los espacios verdes puede aumentar las superficies con vegetación con muchos servicios ecológicos en entornos urbanos.

  • By Anonymous

NBS Value Model

Based on the user inputs, the tool proposes "Usual Suspect Beneficiaries" (those who could potentially benefit from a proposed intervention (based on similar existing interventions)). The user is then able to select the foreseen beneficiaries based on their understanding of the local context.

  • By Lars Diener


  • By Lars Diener

Optimierung von Datenverarbeitung und -management in der Kommune

Data governance is a key element for sustainable data management and includes several elements to which the city has to pay attention: monitoring, management roles, data quality measuring, and operational rules.
To realise an efficient data governance inside each department the following issues should be addressed:

  • By Lars Diener


In most cities, the planning of the urban structure is situational, project-based and often limited to the forthcoming 5-10 years. When considering the long-term planning of a city, it is difficult to take into account all the unforeseen changes that might occur over the longer-term. Planners have to constantly deal with shifting targets and conditions.

  • By Lars Diener


Feedback from UNaLab partner cities suggests a strong impression of insufficient regulations and/or incentives in place that encourage local businesses to develop, implement or invest in NBS. Furthermore, whereas public green is mostly being financed and maintained through the city administration, there is a need to also encourage private land owners to develop and invest more in NBS.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Panel de ideas

Guía paso a paso sobre cómo ejecutar la actividad:
1. Selecciona una idea
Prepare la plantilla (un póster A0 o una pizarra blanca) y pida a los participantes que anoten una idea de cómo abordar un problema predefinido
2. hacer preguntas

  • By Amruta Jayawant

Parks Trust

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Parque frente al mar

Al buscar un lugar donde se pueda instalar un parque frente al mar, existe una gran importancia no solo por considerar dónde la inundación es un problema recurrente, sino también por incluir oportunidades en el sistema fluvial más amplio, lo que puede brindar una oportunidad para el almacenamiento de aguas de inundaciones.

  • By Luis Gargori

Parque Residencial

General:Los parques residenciales son parte de la Infraestructura Verde (IV) de las ciudades y sirven a las áreas residenciales como el punto de entrada principal más cercano para la recreación basada en la naturaleza.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Pavimentos permeables

  • By Sophie Mok

Permeable Pavements

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Permeable Paving System

General: Permeable paving systems are known as surfaces that are able to absorb storm water and thus, minimize the surface water runoff. Different systems of permeable pavement surfaces exist.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Personas usuarias

Tenga una discusión grupal sobre qué tipo de persona (s) están dentro de su alcance. (15 minutos)

Completa individualmente una plantilla de persona, indica claramente con un "?" Las cosas que asumes que son ciertas, pero no estás seguro. (15 minutos)

  • By Lars Diener


As the concept of NBS is new on most municipal agendas, uncertainties regarding the implementation, functions and effectiveness remain prevalent (see Lack of Knowledge and Awareness). This presents a significant challenge for cities as the risks of implementing new and innovative solutions are greater than opting for well-established approaches to urban development.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Planted Embankment Mat


  • By Magalie Thabuis

Présentation de la réglementation de zonage favorable à la NBS

Les plans de zonage sont un facteur important dans la planification des espaces verts. Ils permettent d'inclure les conditions préalables spécifiques au site dans le développement urbain. Les plans de zonage sont donc souvent liés à des réglementations et des normes propres à un site. En termes de NBS, ils visent souvent à protéger des éléments verts ou des caractéristiques naturelles.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Présentation de la réglementation des bâtiments favorable à la NBS

Les bâtiments et les nouvelles constructions ont un impact important sur le cycle naturel de l'eau car ils impliquent le colmatage de surfaces (neuves), le compactage des sols et / ou l'enlèvement de la végétation naturelle. De plus, d'autres problèmes liés au climat d' une ville, tels que les îlots de chaleur urbains, la perte de la biodiversité et d'habitat, la pollution etc...

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Propuesta de valor Canvas

Guía paso a paso sobre cómo ejecutar la actividad:

  • By Sophie Mok

Public Green Spaces

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Rain garden

General: A rain garden* is a kind of garden that primarily serves as area for water control (storage and infiltration) on a small-scale especially in urban areas. Rain gardens are established in artificial surroundings and catches water runoff from roofs, roads and other (sealed) surfaces.

  • By Luis Gargori

Reconfigurar tarifas y otros cargos para reflejar los costes y beneficios asociados con las SBN

Las tasas y tarifas aplicadas a los habitantes de las ciudades por la prestación de servicios públicos ha sido desde siempre una importante fuente de ingresos para los municipios (Kamiya y Zhang, 2016). Al recaudar ingresos adicionales, los gobiernos de las entidades locales pueden mejorar su capacidad de introducir y ampliar la aplicación de las SBN.

  • By Anonymous

Reconfigure fees and other charges to reflect the costs and benefits associated with NBS

Taxes and fees charged to the residents of the cities for delivering the public services have long been an important source of revenue for municipalities (Kamiya and Zhang, 2016). By collecting additional internal revenues, the local governments could enhance their ability to introduce and scale up NBS implementation.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Reconfigurer les frais et autres charges pour refléter les coûts et les avantages associés aux NBS

Les taxes et les frais facturés aux habitants des villes pour la fourniture des services publics constituent depuis longtemps une source de revenus importante pour les municipalités (Kamiya et Zhang, 2016). En collectant des recettes internes supplémentaires, les gouvernements locaux pourraient améliorer leur capacité à introduire et à intensifier la mise en œuvre des NBS.

  • By Lars Diener

Reform der Kriterien für das kommunale Ausschreibungsverfahren, um soziale und ökologische Aspekte besser berücksichtigen zu können

For effective adoption of the NBS concept and its integration throughout municipal structures, the often prevailing “lowest price offered” mentality in public procuring needs to be overcome within the existing legal framework. Benefits derived from NBS interventions often deliver values which cannot be measured in monetary terms.

  • By Anonymous

Reform municipal procurement criteria to better reflect social and environmental aspects

For effective adoption of the NBS concept and its integration throughout municipal structures, the often prevailing “lowest price offered” mentality in public procuring needs to be overcome within the existing legal framework. Benefits derived from NBS interventions often deliver values which cannot be measured in monetary terms.

  • By Luis Gargori

Reformar los criterios de contratación municipal para reflejar mejor los aspectos sociales y ambientales.

Para la efectiva adopción del concepto de Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (SBN) y su integración en las estructuras municipales, debe superarse la mentalidad predominante de “el precio más bajo ofrecido” en contratación pública dentro del marco legal existente. Los beneficios derivados de las operaciones SBN ofrecen a menudo valores no cuatificables en términos monetarios.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Réformer les critères d'approvisionnement municipaux pour mieux refléter les aspects sociaux et environnementaux

Pour que le concept de NBS soit effectivement adopté et intégré dans toutes les structures municipales, il faut vaincre la mentalité des «prix les plus bas offerts» qui prévaut dans les marchés publics, dans le cadre juridique en vigueur.Les avantages dérivés des interventions du BNS offrent souvent des valeurs impossibles à mesurer en termes monétaires.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Renforcer les réseaux informels grâce à des possibilités d'échange entre les principaux acteurs

La mise en place d'organismes intersectoriels formels est un point de départ important pour la réduction des silos dans la ville. Toutefois, les conclusions des villes-témoins d’UNALab Front-Runner démontrent l’importance de la création de réseaux informels dans la promotion d’activités et de groupes de travail intersectoriels.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Residential Park

General: Residential Parks are part of the Green Infrastructure (GI) of cities and serve the residential areas as the nearest main entry point for nature based recreation. Larger spatial elements of GI are district parks that often deliver more functions and combine various uses (e.g. sport fields).

  • By Luis Gargori

Restauración de manglares, playas y dunas.

En su papel de rompeolas naturales, los manglares reducen la altura de las olas y la velocidad del viento, lo que disminuye la energía que ingresa al sistema. Con esto, ayudan a reducir la erosión costera. Además, los manglares son capaces de atrapar una enorme cantidad de carbono en sus suelos que pueden almacenar mucho más tiempo que otros hábitats que almacenan carbono solo en la biomasa.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Restauración del río

  • By Luis Gargori

Restauración natural de aguas superficiales

- apertura de cursos de agua cubiertos / enterrados (ríos, sistemas de drenaje) mediante la eliminación de capas de hormigón
- motivo de alcantarillado: necesidad de espacio para edificios, estacionamientos, carreteras
- efectos negativos de la alcantarilla: degradación de hábitats, contaminación, riesgo de inundación

  • By Luis Gargori

Restaurando el hábitat submarino

La mayoría de las especies de pastos marinos forman grandes "lechos" de sistema de raíces y rizomas que proporcionan hábitat para miles de especies marinas y fijan el suelo, lo que conduce a una reducción de la erosión. Además, el pasto marino conduce a la desaceleración de las corrientes de agua y reduce la energía de las olas, lo que reduce el impacto de las olas en la costa.

  • By Anonymous

Restoring mangroves, beaches and dunes

In their role as natural breakwaters, mangroves reduce wave heights and windspeed which is decreasing the energy entering the system. By this, they help to reduce coastal erosion. Additional, mangroves are capable of trapping an enormous amount of carbon in their soils which they can store much longer than other habitats which store carbon only in biomass.

  • By Anonymous

Restoring offshore habitat

Most seagrass species form large “beds” of root and rhizome system which provide habitat for thousands of marine species and fix soil which leads into reduced erosion. Also, seagrass leads to slowed down water currents and reduced wave energy which reduces the impact of waves on the shoreline.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Retention- / detention ponds

Infiltration basins are flat areas planted with grass and normally dry. After a heavy rain the water fills up the basin and soaks into the ground.

  • By Amruta Jayawant

Reverse auction

  • By Luis Gargori

Revestimiento con esquejes

General:- construcción de cubierta que consiste en sauce (capaz de enraizar) y matorral (no capaz de enraizar)
- instalación y fijación en terraplén
- protección contra la erosión (viento, agua)
- Enraizamiento intensivo y rápido; Efectos "directos"

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Revetment with Cuttings


  • By Anonymous

Review of the existing policy framework around NBS

As a rather new concept, NBS as such are often not explicitly targeted through local regulations and incentives. Still, as an integral and highly cross-sectoral part in the urban system, they are both supported and inhibited by various policies from different areas, including land and zoning, building and construction, water, air, nature conservation, social issues, etc.

  • By Luis Gargori

Revisión del marco político existente entorno a las SBN

Como un concepto bastante nuevo, las SBN como tales a menudo no se dirigen explícitamente a través de regulaciones e incentivos locales.

  • By Lars Diener

Revision des bestehenden politischen Rahmens rund um NBS

As a rather new concept, NBS as such are often not explicitly targeted through local regulations and incentives. Still, as an integral and highly cross-sectoral part in the urban system, they are both supported and inhibited by various policies from different areas, including land and zoning, building and construction, water, air, nature conservation, social issues, etc.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Revision du cadre des politiques existantes sur les NBS

En tant que concept plutôt nouveau, les NBS en tant que telles ne sont souvent pas explicitement visées par les réglementations et les incitations locales.

  • By Amruta Jayawant

Revolving fund

  • By Sophie Mok

River Restoration

  • By Anonymous


1. Expert Selection
Selection of international experts and companies from different parts of Europe to cover a broad range of perspectives. Approximately 20 experts from industry, knowledge institutes, consultancies and government should be invited to interviews and workshops to share their views on future opportunities.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Roadmapping (Mapa de ruta)

1. Selección de expertos
Selección de expertos internacionales y empresas de diferentes partes de Europa para cubrir una amplia gama de perspectivas. Aproximadamente 20 expertos de la industria, institutos de conocimiento, consultorías y gobiernos deberían ser invitados a entrevistas y talleres para compartir sus puntos de vista sobre futuras oportunidades.

  • By Luis Gargori

Rompeolas vivo / costa

Los rompeolas y costas vivas generalmente se colonizan y las especies marinas y terrestres las utilizan como hábitat. Eso significa que proporcionan hábitats y áreas de caza que aumentan la biodiversidad en el medio ambiente. Además, pueden mantenerlo por sí mismos con la ayuda de las especies sésiles vivas que viven en él.

  • By Lars Diener

Schulung des Verwaltungspersonals in bereichsübergreifenden Themenbereichen

Personnel development and training in cross-sectoral issues is an essential part of a learning organisation. Training fosters knowledge transfer, enhances innovation among the employees and improves efficiency.

  • By Lars Diener


Urban gardening is a common way to establish garden space for citizens. There a different concepts of urban gardening, but mostly they are semi-private with a possibility to rent individual beds, or used by an association.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Seis sombreros para pensar

Paso 1. Haz una lista de las preguntas que representan los sombreros.Haga una lista de preguntas en la pizarra para representar los sombreros. Puede hacerlo al comienzo de la reunión o cuando llegue a un punto crítico.

Aquí están los seis sombreros para pensar:

  • By Lars Diener


Municipalities tend to be organised along the lines of the functions and services they were established to deliver. The respective departments can have their own budgets, strategies, objectives, rules and organisational cultures. The cross-sectoral nature of NBS presents a challenge in the context of cities characterised by these “siloed” departments.

  • By Lars Diener


Die Sensibilisierung der lokalen Stakeholder und Bürger ist entscheidend für die Umsetzung erfolgreicher NBS-Programme.

  • By Lars Diener


Several certification schemes and sustainability programs exist with direct or indirect links to urban green and NBS. The main value of such certifications is that if incorporated well, they stand for objectivity, transparency and trustworthiness and are perceived as beneficial by most parties (private, public and citizens).

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Single tree lines

General: Single line trees represent one possibility to establish several trees in urban areas. As the name implies, single line trees are arranged along e.g. streets, bicycle paths and sidewalks and the trees are situated on one side.

  • By Luis Gargori

Sistema de pavimentación permeable

General: Los sistemas de pavimentación permeables se conocen como superficies que pueden absorber el agua de tormenta y, por lo tanto, minimizar la escorrentía del agua superficial. Existen diferentes sistemas de superficies de pavimento permeables. Se instalan comúnmente en aparcamientos, calles residenciales o aceras.

  • By Anonymous

Six Thinking Hats

Step 1. List the questions that represent the hats.
List a set of questions on the whiteboard to represent the hats. You can do this either at the start of the meeting or when you hit a sticking spot.

Here’s the Six Thinking Hats:

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Smart Roof

General: Smart roofs are a special type of extensive green roofs that fulfil different services to protect ecosystems in cities: (Capillar) smart roofs represent an extension of conventional green roofs because the system is equi

  • By Lars Diener

Stärkung informeller Netzwerke durch Austauschmöglichkeiten zwischen den Schlüsselakteuren

The establishment of formal cross-sectoral bodies is an important starting point for breaking down silos in the municipality. However, findings from the UNaLab Front-Runner Cit cities demonstrate the importance of the establishment of informal networks in promoting cross-cutting actions and working groups.

  • By Lars Diener


Every city is characterised by its own specific local constellation of actors, roles and procedures around the development of NBS. This makes it difficult to develop a clear list of actors who should be included in the development of NBS projects.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Stockage d'eau souterraine

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Stockage de l'eau souterraine

Général: Systèmes souterrains situés sous des espaces ouverts au public (terrains de sport) composés d'éléments modulaires pour retenir les crues éclair et stocker l'eau à des fins d'irrigation à proximité


  • By Amruta Jayawant

Storm water fee

  • By Anonymous

Strengthen informal networks through opportunities for exchange between key actors

The establishment of formal cross-sectoral bodies is an important starting point for breaking down silos in the municipality. However, findings from the UNaLab Front-Runner Cit cities demonstrate the importance of the establishment of informal networks in promoting cross-cutting actions and working groups.

  • By Lars Diener


By looking for a place where a waterfront park could be installed, there is a huge importance not only considering where flooding is currently a recurring problem, but also including opportunities in the broader river system which may provide a chance to most effective store floodwaters.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Infiltration basins are flat areas planted with grass and normally dry. After a heavy rain the water fills up the basin and soaks into the ground.

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Système de pavés perméables

Général: Les systèmes de pavage perméables sont connus comme des surfaces capables d'absorber les eaux pluviales et de minimiser ainsi le ruissellement des eaux de surface. Différents systèmes de surfaces de chaussée perméables existent. Ils sont généralement installés sur des parkings, des rues résidentielles ou des trottoirs.

  • By Anonymous

Systemic Decision Support Tool (SDST)

The SDST is adapted for and applied to UNaLab front-runner cities, as to aid in the co-creation of NBS strategies for global change adaptation in urban and peri-urban areas. The SDST is deployed during co-creation workshops in front-runner cities and will be made available on-line to inform the general public on the impacts, benefits and co-benefits of NBS.

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Tarifas para usuarios

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Techo inteligente

Los techos inteligentes son un tipo especial de techos verdes extensos que cumplen diferentes servicios para proteger los ecosistemas en las ciudades: los techos inteligentes (Capillar) representan una extensión de los techos verdes convencionales porque el sistema está equipado con un sistema de drenaje debajo de la capa de veget

  • By Luis Gargori

Techos húmedos construidos

General: La idea de los techos húmedos construidos CWR es conectar techos verdes (extensivos) y humedales construidos para el tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas (las llamadas aguas grises).

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Techos verdes

  • By Luis Gargori

Techos verdes extensivos

General: Los techos verdes extensivos * son sistemas básicos y livianos, caracterizados por un mantenimiento y manejo mínimos (riego artificial, fertilización) después del establecimiento del sistema.

  • By Luis Gargori

Techos Verdes Intensivos

General: los techos verdes intensivos * a menudo se asocian con edificios residenciales, hoteles o estacionamientos subterráneos.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Single line trees represent one possibility to establish several trees in urban areas. As the name implies, single line trees are arranged along e.g. streets, bicycle paths and sidewalks and the trees are situated on one side.

  • By Ryan Titley


  • By Anonymous

The Actors Map

Step-by-step guide on how to run the activity:
1. Preparation: Identify the topic and set clear boundaries
Boundaries include: geographic scale of the map; degree of specificity of the map and the level of detail
2. Preparation: Frame the System

  • By Anonymous

The Empathy map

Step-by-step guide on how to use the empathy map:
1. Define scope and goals of the map
- will you map a persona or an individual user? If you have multiple personas, there should be an empathy map for each

  • By Anonymous

Training of administrative staff in cross-cutting issues

Personnel development and training in cross-sectoral issues is an essential part of a learning organisation. Training fosters knowledge transfer, enhances innovation among the employees and improves efficiency.

  • By Lars Diener


Taxes and fees charged to the residents of the cities for delivering the public services have long been an important source of revenue for municipalities (Kamiya and Zhang, 2016). By collecting additional internal revenues, the local governments could enhance their ability to introduce and scale up NBS implementation.

  • By Lars Diener

Umgestaltung von Gebühren und anderen Kosten im Hinblick auf die Kosten und Nutzen im Rahmen von NBS

Taxes and fees charged to the residents of the cities for delivering the public services have long been an important source of revenue for municipalities (Kamiya and Zhang, 2016). By collecting additional internal revenues, the local governments could enhance their ability to introduce and scale up NBS implementation.

  • By Anonymous

UNaLab Knowledge Base

It permits to federate external data sources as Open Data Management System and legacy services. It is the single point of access to all the data collected from the IoT platforms provided by the cities. It also provide access to the data generated by the UNaLab ICT tools.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Underground Water Storage

General: Underground systems below public open spaces (sport fields) composed of modular elements to retain flash floods and to store water for irrigation purposes nearby.

  • By Hans-Georg Schwarz-v.Raumer

Urban Gardens

Urban gardening is a common way to establish garden space for citizens. There a different concepts of urban gardening, but mostly they are semi-private with a possibility to rent individual beds, or used by an association.

  • By Anonymous

Urban Living Lab Playground: The Game

Step-by-step guide on how to run the activity:
1. Preparation: Position all the cards next to the playing board and group them
2. Facilitation (all players are playing the game standing up)

  • By Alejandro Colonques

Urban Living Lab zona de recreo: El juego

Guía paso a paso sobre cómo ejecutar la actividad:
1. Preparación: Coloque todas las cartas al lado del tablero de juego y agrúpelas.
2. Facilitación (todos los jugadores juegan de pie)

  • By Anonymous

Urban Trees

  • By Anonymous

Use of Blue-Green Factors

The operationalisation of certain regulations and incentives can be facilitated by the inclusion of specific management and planning tools. A prominent example in the area of NBS and green infrastructure, is the so-called Blue Green Factor (BGF). It is a factor-based policy instrument to ensure and maintain desired levels of green and blue in new development projects.

  • By Anonymous

Use of compensation schemes for Ecosystem Services

Compensation schemes are mechanisms which ensure that the overall function (e.g. ecosystem services) of a specific site is being preserved. Such schemes are often coupled to compensation funds, which can be used to realise NBS projects throughout the city (if direct compensation at the same plot is not possible). For example, plot owners or developers might have to compensate for:

  • By Anonymous

User fees

  • By Anonymous

User Personas

Have a group discussion about what kind of persona(s) fall within your scope. (15 min)

Individually fill in a persona template, clearly indicate with a “?” the things you assume to be true, but are not sure about. (15 min)

Present your personas and decide on the persona you want to focus on as a starting point. (15 min)

  • By Luis Gargori

Uso de esquemas de compensación por servicios ecosistémicos

Los esquemas de compensación son mecanismos que aseguran la preservación de la función general (por ejemplo, servicios del ecosistema) de un sitio específico. Tales esquemas a menudo se combinan con fondos de compensación, que se pueden usar para realizar proyectos SBN en toda la ciudad (si no es posible la compensación directa en el mismo terreno).

  • By Magalie Thabuis

Utilisation de systèmes de compensation pour les systèmes écosystèmiques

Les systèmes de compensation sont des mécanismes qui garantissent que la fonction globale (par exemple, les services écosystémiques) d’un site spécifique est préservée. Ces systèmes sont souvent associés à des fonds de compensation, qui peuvent être utilisés pour réaliser des projets de NBS dans toute la ville (si une compensation directe sur la même parcelle n’est pas possible).

  • By Anonymous

Value Proposition Canvas

Step-by-step guide on how to run the activity:

  • By Sophie Mok

Vertical Greening

  • By Lars Diener

Verwendung eines Blue Green Factors (BGF)

The operationalisation of certain regulations and incentives can be facilitated by the inclusion of specific management and planning tools. A prominent example in the area of NBS and green infrastructure, is the so-called Blue Green Factor (BGF). It is a factor-based policy instrument to ensure and maintain desired levels of green and blue in new development projects.

  • By Anonymous

Vision Development

Two main activities are taking place in this workshop: Future Telling research and the development of desired future scenarios.

  • By Anonymous

Waterfront Park

By looking for a place where a waterfront park could be installed, there is a huge importance not only considering where flooding is currently a recurring problem, but also including opportunities in the broader river system which may provide a chance to most effective store floodwaters.

  • By Lars Diener


General: A rain garden* is a kind of garden that primarily serves as area for water control (storage and infiltration) on a small-scale especially in urban areas. Rain gardens are established in artificial surroundings and catches water runoff from roofs, roads and other (sealed) surfaces.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Constructed wetlands represent artificial wetlands with the main objective to harvest, treat and store storm-/grey water runoff in urban areas. Processes/services of natural wetlands are adapted to constructed wetlands focusing on water purification and (underground) storage.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Underground systems below public open spaces (sport fields) composed of modular elements to retain flash floods and to store water for irrigation purposes nearby.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Residential Parks are part of the Green Infrastructure (GI) of cities and serve the residential areas as the nearest main entry point for nature based recreation. Larger spatial elements of GI are district parks that often deliver more functions and combine various uses (e.g. sport fields).

  • By Lars Diener


As NBS can support biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation and other environmental efforts in cities, green municipal bonds could serve as a means for cities to secure funding for NBS implementation.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Planted walls with controlled cultivation are called green facades. Facade greenings are divided in two types. The facade-bound greening which is a part of the facade or uses the facade for fixing panels and containers to it. The second type is the ground based facade greening (3.2.).

  • By Lars Diener


General: Areas of derelict infrastructure, e.g. railway lines, that are transformed into linear parks play an important role in urban green infrastructure networks and help to re-nature cities.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Green noise barriers are effective measures to reduce noise emissions along highly frequented roads. They are often designed as walls with a ground based greening. The construction is usually made of concrete, brick or wood and is covered with a vertical plant layer.

  • By Lars Diener


General: Intensive green roofs* are often associated with residential buildings, hotels or underground parkings.

  • By Lars Diener


Mosses have compared to other plants a large bio-active surface, they transpire more and also actively reduce some pollutants. There is a range of test sites with open air experiments in order to test the effectiveness for fine dust and reduction and air quality improvement.

  • By Lars Diener


Curran and Hamilton (2012), propose a “Just green enough” approach to establish green infrastructure while minimising the negative effects of green gentrification. By making an area “just green enough”, social as well as ecological objectives can be obtained without necessarily increasing housing prices significantly.
