Inspiration Card
Governance Actions
Finance & Procurement

G21 Issuing green bonds

QR Code for https://unalab.eu/en/node/219
Knowledge & Awarness Political Commitment Organisation Perceived Costs & Benefits Social & Environmental Justice

As NBS can support biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation and other environmental efforts in cities, green municipal bonds could serve as a means for cities to secure funding for NBS implementation. Green bonds are essentially similar to regular bonds, the difference is that the capital raised by green bonds is used for projects with positive environmental outcomes. Lately, the interest for projects with social and environmental return has been increasing and thus the demand for green bonds. The revenues for green bonds can be achieved through various means ranging from public budget allocations to market returns.

Potential Elements
  • Bundling of NBS projects
  • Independent verification of project impacts
  • The projects must generate revenue streams