Inspiration Card
Governance Actions

G14 Introducing incentives to encourage private sector-driven NBS

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Knowledge & Awarness Political Commitment Organisation Perceived Costs & Benefits Social & Environmental Justice

Although public green tends to be mainly financed and maintained through the city administration, there is a need to also encourage private land owners to develop and invest more in NBS. Incentives and market-based instruments are perceived as favourable option to create the necessary pull-factors and at the same time show the value that is being created through NBS.

Potential Elements
  • Financial Incentives, e.g. subsidies, grant programs , rebates and tax incentives, fees, premiums and innovation vouchers
  • Non-financial incentives, e.g. density bonuses, Application bonuses, Fast track processes Zoning upgrades, certification and advertising options.
  • Application of polluter-pays principles to generate the resources needed for the incentives
  • Communication strategies to make the incentives well-known and accessible to all stakeholders, as well as to educate about NBS benefits and values.

UNaLab Stories: Innovation Vouchers, Tampere

In Tampere, NBS are developed especially for quantitative and qualitative stormwater management. The largest NBS are located in parks and financed by municipality. Nevertheless, the city has identified the importance of including private land and gardens (green roofs, rain gardens, permeable pavement, etc.) as an important element of the stormwater management system. In the context of UNaLab, the city aims to encourage sustainable measures implemented on private plots through experimenting with innovation vouchers which support the inclusion of NBS in developments of the Hiedanranta district. They may be used to finance planning and/or NBS implementation on private land.

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