Inspiration Card
Governance Actions

G15 Use of compensation schemes for Ecosystem Services

QR Code for https://unalab.eu/en/node/159
Knowledge & Awarness Political Commitment Organisation Perceived Costs & Benefits Social & Environmental Justice

Compensation schemes are mechanisms which ensure that the overall function (e.g. ecosystem services) of a specific site is being preserved. Plot owners and developers are requested to provide compensation for depleted ecological services (e.g. through sealing new surfaces; cutting down significant trees etc.).

Potential Elements
  • Direct substitution through restoring depleted ecosystem services or installing NBS on the same plot, including clear compensation criteria and monitoring of the compensation measures.
  • Financial compensation coupled to a compensation funds, which can be used to realise NBS projects throughout the city if direct compensation on-site is not possible.
  • Involving a pool of professionals and specialists to support the procedure and evaluation of measures.