Inspiration Card
Governance Actions
Finance & Procurement

G22 Reform municipal procurement criteria to better reflect social and environmental aspects

QR Code for https://unalab.eu/en/node/221
Knowledge & Awarness Political Commitment Organisation Perceived Costs & Benefits Social & Environmental Justice

If NBS are to be adopted in the mainstream city development, the often prevailing “lowest price offered” mentality in public procuring needs to be transformed to better reflect social and environmental aspects within the existing legal framework. One approach includes the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) criterion when evaluating the bids. This criterion enables the procurement officers to consider qualitative aspects of the proposed solution, in addition to the price dimension.

Potential Elements
  • Emphasis on innovation and overall quality over lowest price-offering of the tendered service or a solution
  • Assessment criteria reflecting estimated impact on the lives of the target group
  • Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) criterion