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F4 Engaging with local businesses through green barter and PPPs

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Businesses develop and/or maintain green space in exchange for a formalised right to use the values of those spaces for business purposes and profits. Green barters may involve small as well as medium sized sites and it could serve municipal as well as business objectives


Green Barter agreement between a private developer company and the municipality in Lodz, Poland. The developer of a newly established residential area suggested clearing and rehabilitating the adjacent public land that has been contaminated by construction waste. The private developer company was driven by the potential of improving the neighbourhood image and increasing the value of its property. This initiative was approved by the municipality of Lodz and the temporary public-private agreement was made. However, the ownership, as well as the subsequent maintenance of the said green space belong to the municipality of Lodz (source: (Ambrose-Oji et al. 2017)).

Source D6.4 NBS Value Model