Inspiration Card
Nature Based Solution
Urban Network Structures

N3 Group of trees

QR Code for https://unalab.eu/en/node/164
Climate Resilience Water Management Natural and Climate Hazards Biodiversity Enhancement Air Quality Health and Well-being Social Justice and Social Cohesion

Groups of trees mimic the gestalt of a forest in an urban setting. They can be a suitable option for the design of shaded squares and courtyards, or as a contrasting element in densely built up areas. Urban groups of trees offer many benefits like improved water management and climate resilience, and contribute to the mitigation of urban heat stress. Additionally, selection of diverse, native species in combination with understory vegetation can help support and enhance biodiversity.

Conditions for Implementation
  • Appropriate species selection
  • Sufficient above and below ground space
  • Soil material and depth
  • Temporary or permanent sustainable irrigation facilities
Similar Terminology
Tree groups
Sustainable urban groves
    Cooling Service Transpiration
    Building (Insulation)
    Reflection (Albedo)
    Surface Water Regulation Water Conveyance
    Water Infiltration
    Water Retention
    Water Storage
    Water Reuse
    Water Purification Water Filtering
    Water Bio-remediation
    Air Purification and Noise Reduction Deposition
    Air Biofiltration
    Noise Reduction
    Biodiversity Habitat Provision
    Socio-Cultural Services Beauty / Appearance
    Usability / Functionality
    Social Interaction
    Provisioning Service Food / Energy / Material
    Climate Regulation CO2 Sequestration