

Read all the latest news from the UNaLab project and the NBS community

A post for bees

Join the #Flowers4Bees social media campaign and help spread the word about one of the most dangerous environmental threats: the progressive extinction of pollinator insects. The campaign is a joint initiative by ten EU-funded projects working to make our cities more sustainable, green and liveable.

Buddies Webinar #7: NBS for circular water systems

The 7th UNaLab Buddy System webinar took place on 24 March 2021 and was dedicated to circular water systems, water retention and reuse.

The transformation of the Vestdijk boulevard

The Vestdijk road in Eindhoven has been transformed into an urban boulevard hosting many new nature-based solutions to address the air quality, heat stress and flooding problems in the area. The pavement on the reconstructed boulevard has been replaced by trees, plants and a nature-based water storage system.

Co-creating online with the Open Nature Innovation Arena

The first tool we want to introduce in our series of UNaLab ICT tools stories is the Open Nature Innovation Arena (ONIA). ONIA is the UNaLab digital tool providing the collaboration environment where citizens and municipalities collectively discuss and identify issues or concerns affecting the quality of life in the city and co-define the possible solutions to solve these problems.

Tools and resources to advance and support the adoption of nature-based solutions

Last week, the UNaLab project successfully hosted a three-day webinar series to present our resources, tools and experiences which support the different NBS implementation phases. The UNaLab webinar series sessions were organised around the adaptive management cycle to highlight the applicability of the available tools to the various phases of NBS implementation.

The importance of urban green and blue spaces for mental health

Yesterday, the UNaLab project organised together with the Grow Green, Connecting Nature and CLEVER Cities projects a webinar on the importance of urban green and blue spaces for mental health. The webinar was very timely, as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of urban green and blue spaces for citizens' mental health.
