The City of Eindhoven is one of the five largest cities in The Netherlands with 230,000 inhabitants, while the Eindhoven region has more than 750,000 inhabitants. The city is one of the three economic engines of The Netherlands, delivering 14% of the national GDP. With its Brainport 2020 Strategy, developed jointly by knowledge, business and public partners within the city and the region, Eindhoven has determined its strategic objectives for the city and the region for the coming decade.
Through its “Climate Policy Plan”, Eindhoven sets its ambitions in the field of climate change and sustainability. The city is ambitious, aiming to create a green and pleasant to live in city, focusing on achieving a “Complex and Complete” city, with high quality experience of the urban working and living climate by the citizens, companies and tourists. Eindhoven is determined to create a sustainable green structure providing significant value for the quality of life. On the other hand, the city administration has set clear goals in terms of water management aimed at bringing back “blue spaces” in the urban fabric.
As to stakeholders' and citizens’ awareness, participation and engagement – these are vital elements in the public policy of the city. They have become more acute in recent years as the city administration has been forced to deliver more efficient services to citizens, often with less financial and human resources. This has forced the city to look more closely at the means to engage the citizens and has opened Eindhoven up more than before to other actors who wish to get engaged. Innovative engagement processes such as co-creation and the Natural Step approach, engaging stakeholders in municipal policy making and implementation in areas around sustainability have found a foothold in Eindhoven. This quadruple helix approach (the city administration, private sector, knowledge institutes and the citizens) determines our approach from today into the future.
Meet the UNaLab Team Members from the Municipality of Eindhoven
The OpenLivingLab Days (OLLD) is the annual gathering of the global Living Lab community.
At the ENoLL OpenLivingLab Days, which took place in Geneva in August 2018, the Municipality of Eindhoven hosted a co-creation workshop on the application of nature-based solutions, using the inner city of Eindhoven as their testing ground. The objective of the workshop was to share our knowledge on the implementation of NBS and to let participants experiment with NBS.
The so-called “Buddy System” has been developed within the UNaLab project as a set of tools and activities to transfer knowledge and results about nature-based solutions from the front-runner cities to the follower cities. As part of the buddy activities organised between the cities, front-runner city Eindhoven and follower city Prague organised a buddy meeting in Prague in May.
In October last year, the Eindhoven University of Technology and Eindhoven Municipality arranged a workshop to identify barriers to the adoption of an urban living lab concept for the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS). The aim for this workshop was to find specific issues which keep those actors from collaborating with each other.
Like many other cities, Eindhoven suffered from urban expansion that was not accompanied by adequate upgrades to sewer and storm water networks. This has led to an increase in urban flooding, consequential property and infrastructure damage and associated costs. To counter this, the Eindhoven municipality has developed various near future and future adaptation measures that foresee the implementation of certain NBS to reduce pluvial flooding.
With this Living Lab Handbook, you can learn how to develop an Urban Living Lab, based on the lessons learned, research and practical experience from the UNaLab project.
The Vestdijk road in Eindhoven has been transformed into an urban boulevard hosting many new nature-based solutions to address the air quality, heat stress and flooding problems in the area. The pavement on the reconstructed boulevard has been replaced by trees, plants and a nature-based water storage system.
Authored by Sandra Costa, Rik Peters, Ricardo Martins, Luuk Postmes, Jan Jacob Keizer & Peter Roebeling. Published in Resources in March 2021.