NBS for Biodiversity

NBS for Biodiversity

The loss of diversification in local flora and fauna species is one of the issues cities are facing today due to climate changes. Nature-based solutions represent an effective way to increase biodiversity. In this section, you can therefore find some insights on the issues UNaLab cities face and on the measures identified to mitigate them, with regards to biodiversity.

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Related Information

Buddies Workshop #3: NBS to Increase Biodiversity

The third UNaLab workshop took place on 28th May 2019 in Prague. It was dedicated to the issues that the cities are facing concerning the loss of biodiversity and the related measures adopted.

Hong Kong Biodiversity Questionnaire

This survey was designed by Hong Kong University with the aim to study the possible impacts caused by the ecological enhancement works in river channels.

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Buddies Webinar #6: Joint Roadmapping

The 6th Buddies webinar was organised over two days and took place on 30 September and 1 October.

Buddies Workshop #5: Round-table discussion with cities’ experts

The 5th UNaLab Buddies workshop took place as a virtual gathering on 27 November 2020.

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