Year 2019 marked the advancement and near finalisation of nature-based solutions (NBS) planning and construction in the UNaLab front-runner cities Tampere, Genova and Eindhoven. A critical element of the UNaLab project is the generation of data that contribute to a robust evidence base on NBS performance and impact. During the latter half of 2019, the UNaLab front-runner cities have been working with the project’s technical partners to identify a suite of relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) that will provide essential information about the performance and impact of the NBS being implemented. Previously identified KPIs included in the UNaLab Deliverable 3.1 report Performance and Impact Monitoring of Nature-Based Solutions served as the basis for indicator selection. The performance and impact indicators that are monitored by the cities will provide inputs to the ICT tools of the project.
Accurate assessment of NBS performance and impact and the acquisition of reliable data requires careful definition of monitoring protocols along with the selection and installation of appropriate monitoring equipment. The objective of monitoring is to quantitatively evaluate critical parameters such as water quality and quantity, temperature, air quality, health and well-being, social cohesion and the economic value of urban greening. To date, Genova and Eindhoven have drafted preliminary plans for installation of measurement stations following construction of local NBS. In Tampere, some NBS monitoring has been initiated, including measurements of water quality and quantity. NBS implementation and installation of monitoring equipment is proceeding as planned, and the full suite of monitoring actions in Tampere, Genova and Eindhoven are expected to kick off in mid-2020.