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Fri, 20/09/2024

UNaLab Consortium Meeting - Designing Urban Spaces with Nature

  • Fri, 20/09/2024

The UNaLab consortium meeting themed ‘Designing Urban Spaces with Nature’ will take place on 6 – 7 September 2022 in Eindhoven.

The first day will be dedicated to the UNaLab partners, while the second one will be open to anyone. The morning session of day 1 will be dedicated to stories from the UNaLab front-runner and follower cities to learn about their NBS work in the past years, while the afternoon session a field visit will enable participants to learn more about the implemented NBS.

The second day will be a hybrid event, allowing participants from across Europe and beyond to learn about how knowledge gained during the UNaLab project and “sister” SCC-02-2016 H2020 projects Connecting Nature, Grow Green and Urban GreenUP can be applied to further re-nature urban areas, making them greener, more liveable, healthier, more prosperous, more inclusive and more resilient to the impacts of climate change. The day will finish with a shorter walking tour to visit some more NBS in the city of Eindhoven.

Please find the agenda with some practical information on meeting logistics attached. You can register for the meeting through the registration form below.