Alluvial meadows
The alluvial meadows were implemented to complement the existing measures for enhanced stormwater quality and quantity management in the Vuores area. The alluvial meadows provide a space for retention of urban runoff during heavy rain events. However, most of the time, the meadows are without any water.
The area of the alluvial meadows is approximately 500 m2. In this area, normal water elevation is +121,3 and maximum flood elevation is +121,8. The meadow slope varies from 1:10 to 1:20 and the meadows are occasionally flooded depending on the severity of the storm. Biodiversity has been taken into account in the selection of vegetation as the meadows were grown from a seed mixture of domestic alluvial meadow plants that were sown on a 150mm thick growth medium layer. Around the alluvial meadow, trees and bushes have been planted.

Potential for replication and upscaling
Alluvial meadows do not only retain urban runoff during heavy rain events, but also improve biodiversity as fowering plants have an important role in providing habitat for pollinators. In Tampere, alluvial meadows are replicated in new residential areas around retention ponds and in the stream restoration projects in the Härmälänoja stream and the Vuohenoja stream.