Inspiration Card
Governance Actions
Inclusive Urban Development

G27 Implement public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS)

QR Code for https://unalab.eu/en/node/228
Knowledge & Awarness Political Commitment Organisation Perceived Costs & Benefits Social & Environmental Justice

Public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) can be an effective means of better understanding the quality of green space from the perspective of the users. Utilising online and offline formats, citizens are able to make contributions to a map regarding use and satisfaction with green space. Such an approach can be used instead of or in addition to more traditional approaches (surveys, questionnaires etc.).

Potential Elements
  • Planning: e.g., identifying hotspots of value, potential development and redevelopment areas, better targeting green space functions
  • Management: e.g., identifying areas of overcrowding/ lack of maintenance/ places where people feel insecure; better targeting resources and communication activities.
  • Design: e.g., protecting valued space; redesigning areas experiencing conflicts; providing inspiration for design of new public spaces (more of what people like).